Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Red-shouldered Hawk!

I have been out daily trying to photograph a Lincoln's Sparrow. Everytime I go out I do find them yet unable to get them to stay up quick enough to switch from binoculars to camera. I cannot miss this bird. After this it will be American Pipit search followed by scoter season. Sterling Peat has been a great place to get pipits on the ground but it's not muddy like it usually is. Hope I don't misss them!!! While trying for the Lincoln's Sparrow at Heirloom Harvest CSA I heard a Red-shouldered Hawk calling. Got on the bird high up with a Cooper's Hawk. I was able to get a horrible shot of the bird but clearly can see the "windows on the wings" feature. I'll take it. Hopefully another opportunity will arise.

Red-shouldered Hawk- Westborough #188


Blackpoll Warbler

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

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