Sunday, March 8, 2015


Yesterday I went out before work to check the Blackstone River in Sutton and some farm fields also in Sutton. When I pulled up to the river I noticed the Hooded Merganser's had a different looking friend with them a 1st year Bufflehead. Pretty easy to get yearly. I had one back in the first week of January but this was much closer thus I was able to get a photo of it for my big year. After leaving the area I searched for Horned Larks. No luck. I also went out today and still had no luck. Easy species to get in a year. I wanted to get them out of the way now so I do not have to waste time next winter. On Town Farm Road they are often easier to photograph than the airport. I will try again tomorrow after work! I was also able to update my Hooded Merganser photo for the year.

Bufflehead-Sutton- #58

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